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    What is difference between Ram and Rom ?

    Do you know the difference between Ram and Rom ?

    Today we will see the difference between Ram and Rom

    আপনি কি র‍্যাম আর রোমের মধ্যের পার্থক্য জানেন!
    Before buying a phone or a laptop we searched for his RAM and Rom, but many of us probably do not know their main differences correctly. There are many people who do not know the difference about it. Others may know, but for a long time I did not know what the difference between RAM and Rom is. What do you know I myself did not know the differences for a while. We know Rom as a storage or RAM speed. But what is the difference between these only? Or is there any difference? The main source of today's article is to find answers to this longstanding question.

    And before that we did not even know the full name of them. Ram's full name is Random Memory and the full name of the ROM is Reed Only Memory. And we did not know too much about it. And after seeing that we know a lot, we've brought these differences to you.
    When we searched for it on the Internet, we had seen a lot in front of us. Many people do not even know what it really is. Again, many people who have used laptops or smartphones for a long time know about this but do not know the difference between them. Let's now see what the difference between them actually is.

    If we first look at Ram, it is a thing that needs to be saved in order to save the data itself. And apart from getting the connection, all the information that is in it can fly.
    And if we say about Rome, it's different from RAM, it's a chip that is not variable. And if you save the data at once, then it can not be altered again. As I told you at first, that it is a read only memory. This means that it can be read and can not be changed if the data is saved. This is called non-volatile storage or memory.


    The biggest difference is that some of those small difference. There is a need to talk about it because we want to know the differences between them in a broad and clear way. And you have to keep in mind that apart from the big differences, some small differences between them distinguish them from each other. But let's see their small differences.
    • RAM can be used on day to day devices and ROMs are possible only when it is in the making of the device.
    • And if you want to save data in Rome, you should keep in mind that it is a long-term process. However, it is completely opposite to RAM.
    And we also want to know the difference between the RAM and ROM in the computer, but we can say that its process is completely different. Or it can be said that it is very different from each other. We'll tell you later.

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