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    How to easily add custom WIDGETS to Wordpress Theme Footer ?

    We are some WordPress lovers who do not know the coding this post for them. Many times we like many themes! But the theme is not what I want. For example, in your favorite theme you can not add WIDGETS to FOOTER, but if you know the coding, then it does not matter to you. And if you do not know a lot, you can easily do this task if you follow just a few steps. So let's take a look at how you can easily do this ...
    কি ভাবে WORDPRESS থিমের FOOTER এ WIDGETS যুক্ত করবেন

    How to easily add custom WIDGETS to Wordpress Theme Footer

    I will show you how to add WIDGETS to 3 layouts in the WORDPRESS theme FOOTER. To do this, you have to cross the three steps below.
    1. The theme has to add some code to functions.php
    2. The theme will add some code to footer.php
    3. And some CSS code has to be added

    The diameter will be done only after your goal
    My theme is to add some code to functions.php
    From your site, click on the theme's Edit menu, follow the screenshot below for those who are completely new
    Then open functions.php  ,
    Then find the code below there
    Now paste the following code below into the code and save it.

    The theme will add some code to footer.php

    My two step - go to your theme's footer.php The new people who think how they are going to step in the footer.php brother? If yes, go to functions.php, just click on it below footer.php. If you can not check the screen shot below
    After opening, your theme into the footer where you want to copy and paste the following code, and save it
    After saving, you can go to your site to see if you think the WIDGETS function has moved a little up or down, then paste the paste code above or below the footer.php exactly where you want and save it.
    Now we had the 3rd step?

    Some CSS code has to be added

    Go straight to Edit Elements CSS,
    Then copy and paste the following CSS codes into the Additional CSS box and exit.

      My 3rd step and complete Now look at your desired job!

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